Visit Essential Costa Rica / PROCOMER and the Green Plants Consortium CR at IPM Essen – Germany from 28-31 January 2020.

Where? Hall 1 – Booth B17

Please let us know at what day and about what time you would like to visit us. You might register via mail to /

The offer includes green plants, nursery plants, perennials, palms and cut flowers. The stars from A-Z that will be presented in the 2020 IPM edition by the member companies of the Green Plants Costa Rica Consortium are:



-Begonia Tamaya




-Dracaena Fragans Massangeana





-Pleonelle sog


-Sasevieria Zeylanica



-Tissue Culture Labs

-Yucca Elephantipes

About Green Plants Costa Rica Consortium

The group consists of leading enterprises producing and exporting ornamental plants from Costa Rica to the European market. Guided by CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries) from Holland lots of activities have been undertaken such as work sessions on quality improvement, human resource management and cost control amongst others. The participating companies from Costa Rica constitute a group of pioneers in the areas of production and sales of ornamental plants. The guiding principles are quality control, protection of the environment and socially responsible conduct. That’s how Green Plants Cluster of Costa Rica was constituted since 2003 and had been working with PROCOMER to ensure top-quality goods. The mission is to achieve success and customer satisfaction by means of producing ornamental plants with a constant quality and a high added value.

Green Plants Costa Rica Consortium members present at IPM Essen 2020:

-Micro Plantas





-Ornamentales Rio Molino


IPM Essen – Germany

The world’s leading horticultural trade fair revolves around solutions and innovations in the green sector. The International Plant Fair has been held annually at Messe Essen since 1983. Here exhibitors increasingly present products that are sustainable and suitable for climate change. These include heat- and cold-tolerant plant and shrub varieties, environmentally friendly and resource-saving packaging solutions, organic fertilisers and substrates, air-cleaning, easy-to-care for indoor plants and pots made of sustainable and biodegradable